Dental Implants

Photo of Dental Implants service

Are missing teeth ruining your smile? If so, you are not alone – nearly 70 percent of people ages 35 to 44 have lost one or more teeth. Missing teeth are more than just a cosmetic issue: tooth loss can lead to a wide variety of health and wellness issues, such as poor nutrition, the loss of bone mass in your jaw, and the loss of even more teeth.

Throughout history, dentures and bridges have been the only solution for missing teeth. Even today, dentures and bridges are popular ways to replace missing teeth. Unfortunately, they do not address many of the health and wellness issues resulting from missing teeth. 

Dental implants are a modern, technically-advanced approach to replacing missing teeth. Today’s dental implants improve your well-being as much as they improve your smile. 

Dental Implants are Lifetime Tooth Replacements

Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. They are also reliable, cost-effective, and long-lasting. 

Benefits of dental implants that will make you smile

Dental implants provide a wide variety of benefits over dental bridges and dentures. Many of these benefits last a lifetime.

Benefits of dental implants include:

  • Strength, stability, and natural function
  • Natural appearance 
  • Long-lasting results
  • Never having to remove your teeth 
  • No food limitations
  • Clear speech
  • No negative effects on surrounding teeth
  • Preservation of existing jawbone

Dental Implants are Incredibly Popular – Here’s Why

Each year, more than half a million people replace one or more teeth with dental implants. There are several reasons dental implants are so popular. 

Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth

A dental implant is a screw-shaped post that your dentist permanently embeds into your jaw. The implant acts as a permanent root that holds a crown, which is the white part of the tooth visible above your gum line. Made from titanium, the metal rod fuses with the bone in a process known as osseointegration. 

Dental implants are cost-effective as a long-term solution

Dental bridges and dentures wear out, and need replacing every 7 to 15 years. While you may pay less at your visit to get dentures or bridges, paying for replacement bridges or dentures gets expensive quickly. Dental implants are a one-time investment that, with proper care, can last you a lifetime. 

A dazzling smile

Our dentist can shade and custom-shape your dental implant to create a natural looking tooth that matches the rest of your smile. When it comes to aesthetics, function, and strength, dental implants are just like your real teeth – only better. 

Improved oral health

Your natural teeth are vulnerable to tooth decay and cavities; dental implants never decay or develop cavities. While you’ll still need to brush and floss to maintain healthy gums, you’ll take care of dental implants in the same way as you take care of your natural teeth. 

What’s more, dental implants do not affect nearby teeth. Dental bridges require the removal of a small amount of tooth enamel to create room for the bridge; dental implants do not require this preparation, so they don’t affect your other teeth.  

Dental implants are a health-focused, long-lasting, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing solution for missing teeth. If you are missing one or more teeth, contact us for more information about dental implants. We provide dental implants in Allen, TX.

Implant-Secured Dentures in Allen, TX

If you wear dentures, you probably know how uncomfortable they can be. Dentures can slip and slide out of place when you least expect it; they can also fall completely out. 

Implant-secured dentures are different in that the denture snaps securely onto a metal post permanently implanted in your jaw. This means your implant-secured dentures will never slip out of place. 

If you are interested in implant-supported dentures, please call our office to schedule your complimentary consultation for implant-supported dentures in Allen, TX.

Benefits of Implant-Secured Dentures

Stronger fit – the implant holds your dentures securely in place

Reduced bone loss – a missing tooth can lead to bone loss in your jawbone that puts your other teeth at risk of falling out; dental implants stimulate the production of bone mass to reduce bone loss 

Stop facial changes resulting from bone loss – the loss of jawbone can change the appearance of your face; since implants reduce bone loss, implant-secured dentures can help maintain the natural structure and appearance of your face. 

Less pain – dentures can cause painful sore spots that implant-supported dentures do not

Clear speech – dentures can slip and slide to cause slurred speech; implants hold dentures securely to reduce speech problems

For more information on implant-secured dentures, contact our dental office. We have the training and experience to help you restore your smile!

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